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Friends of Winslow School

Who are we?

The Friends of Winslow Church of England School (FOWS) are a group of parents, guardians and carers of pupils attending the school. It also includes both teaching and non-teaching staff at the school, and can also include anyone from the local community who is over the age of 18 who is willing to offer appropriate support or help to the school.

The aim of FOWS is to raise funds for the school to buy additional equipment to further enhance the facilities available to pupils within the school.  We organise a variety of events throughout the year to fit around and complement the busy life of the school and families alike. 

What do we do?

FOWS run events in order to raise money to support the school. In the past we have held Raffles, Discos, Bake Sales, Cinema Afternoons, Bag2School, Dress Down and Break The Rules days, 5p Challenges, Sponsored Reads, and our always popular Summer and Christmas Fetes.

What do we fund?

The fantastic support we receive from our parent community has allowed us to proudly fund the following projects at the school in recent years:

  • Accelerated Reader
  • Purple Mash
  • 20+ Laptops
  • Year 6 Leaver’s Hoodies
  • Maths Resources
  • Junior Librarian
  • Visualisers
  • Playground Equipment
  • Dictionaries for years 4,5 & 6
  • Friendship Benches
  • Musical Woodland
  • Interactive Whiteboards
  • Library Books
  • £100 per class (for in-class enrichment)
  • Outdoor Classroom facilities
  • New sofa for the library

Getting in touch…

If you would like to get involved as a volunteer or committee member, offer your skills, or if you have a fundraising idea you’d like to share, kindly offer your matched funding, make a cash donation of any size (just £5 would buy a new book for the library!), or would simply like to find out more about FOWS and the work we do, we would love to hear from you!

You can email us at:

Click here to visit us at our Facebook page for news on all our forthcoming events